Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What's wrong with us??

Our country was built upon the principles of Unity in Diversity. Pt Nehru said that the Indian community was like that of a melting pot, where people belonging to totally different cultures could live as one. This is what set our country apart from any other. India was built to be totally secular. But the events that have been occurring over the past few months have questioned the validity of the above ideologies. Its saddening to see a couple of fanatic psychopaths drive the ideas of "pride" into the heads of some poverty stricken desperate youth to bring destruction upon the very surroundings they take pride in; Ironic isn't it?

The country watches as it chews its fingernails in its teeth, the deadlock in J&K where certain extremists launch tirades against the Indian government and burn the beautiful Kashmir valley to cinders. And they say that they are doing it for the love of their land. The same thing is happening in Maharashtra where the idea of “immigrants” from the North taking away the jobs of Mumbaikars is driving an Indian to kill another fellow Indian. All this after listening to "inspiring words" of a "great visionary."

After a spate of bomb blasts in major cities by Muslim militant groups, a blast was masterminded by a hardcore Hindu, and this started off allegations against the opposition being a Hindu "jihadist" organisation. That is all this entire scenario has boiled down into, volatile situations with disaster definitely in the trumps. And when disaster strikes some political honcho steps up and says he/she condemns the attacks. The blame games then start, citing lack of proper security by the local administration and the inability of governance by the ruling party. Who do they think they are fooling??

No solution seems to be seen to all the hypocrisy that exists. We need to rise and start calling the politicians' bluffs. Awareness has to spread among the uneducated masses that fanaticism would only lead to the destruction of what they hold dear. We should also realise that setting off bombs because hardliners of another community did so is not a natural reaction to their actions. Ultimately the innocents are the ones who suffer the most.

Its one thing to be proud of who you are, but its not right to stake claim to your territory and
say that everybody else is an intruder and should prosecuted by self-made laws for trespassing.We should remember that we are all Indians first and then are the citizens of the state that we belong to.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

To Err is Human, To Forgive is errr…???

We all make mistakes. They may be of the magnitude of altering the course of hadrons in the LHC by 0.00042 deg or they may be tiny inconsequential mistakes like arguing with an obstinate friend who wants you by his/her side all day long .I personally feel people should be allowed their fair share of stupidity. That's what makes us people isn't it. I'm one of the most tactless persons that roamed this planet since those crazy Romans who unwittingly called Obelix fat(His chest just slipped, for those who are in the dark) and have been of the receiving end of lots of people's pieces of mind once they had been gathered after I had stated a blatant fact about them. I'm sure everybody can relate to the above said "experience"

Somebody may come upto you and spurt out their most inane observation about you at their loudest best where everybody is sure to turn their heads and look. But that's what life is all about isn't it? The best thing that you can do at that time is to slightly clear your throat, thank him for his opinion and make a graceful exit from the scene. Do not forget to consider the fact whoever put you in an embarassing position is just an overgrown kid and hence can be forgiven for his blunder.

It is pretty evident that all of us know stupidity to the T, either being the perpetrators of the crime or victims or just innocent bystanders. When every Tom, Dick and Harry flaunts it as though it was prized possession why this entire hullabaloo about being stupid at exactly the wrong time???? Just laugh at it , forgive (or hope to be forgiven -as in the case of the above mentioned obstinate friend) and move on.

In conclusion

To Err is Human, To Forgive is just Humane.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Great Expectations

Here I am...this is me...there r lots of places on Earth i would rather be right now. (:D). But come to think of it...this place isn’t soooo bad. Since I’m not one of those not too particularly bothered about the ban slapped on the city's nightlife I feel that we r a pretty chilled out city. I have had 3 months to sit and think, about nothing in particular...just Think.
Its funny one year after getting into college is over... (Forgive me for the Scrubs-like introspection...but hey, I’m hooked to that sitcom :) ) . There is such a stark contrast between then and now. I was so innocent then...ahhhh so sweet, but now I have been dragged into the dirty bowels of the very system we like to call ENGINEERING COLLEGE (or like the most of us accha kannadigas refer to as Yanji-nearing kaaleju) .

Let's get back to the very beginning. People started asking us if our expectations of the college had been fulfilled and we were left wondering what to say to these morons. We were barely a month old into good old RV and getting used to being referred to as junis, or kids or bachas, or Ae Saale (Where did “Yen macha...yengidya??” Go off all of sudden?) and we were supposed to say if our expectations were fulfilled?? The first thought that popped into my head at that point of time was ("These Rvites are crazy ...tap tapp tapp") I also thought “Expectations???!!! -Blown to bits”.
There was no escaping the wolf-like gaze of the seniors.(reminds me of Big Brother in 1984 now that i have read the book.) The first time we were brave enough to venture into the basketball court, we were met by some seniors...one of them (an “oi I’m senior you are juni bwaahahahahahaha” type fella) asked one of his buddies ...eh macha you think we should rag them??? (I was like "Gaadbless you Saar...you are at least a maNNina maga. Better you than a You Know Who"). While I was saying my prayers and feeling my pulse race to a 102,his buddy who was obviously more wise in the ways of the world, than the would- be ragger said "No da macha ,let’s leave them...they are an autonomous batch ;The college is ragging them enough”. I say what!!!!??? So much for anti-ragging seminars, thank you.
And thus we spent our first year getting bumbooed by teachers who themselves were stumped by the autonomy we had obtained. (Poor chaps… Give them some credit at least I say…they try their best.* Snort!!*)

NOW!!!!! It is with Great Expectations that i await the arrival of our Dearest Junis .We may not rag them , we may not even ask them to "put intro", let alone ask THEM their name, LET ALONE talk to them, but in our own way we would INTIMIDATE them . Not to mention their presence most definitely gives us a sense of superiority .The mere THOUGHT of it is SWWEEEET *SLURP*. We are no longer junis.We are the masters of our own domain. Let the junis tremble and quake at our very sight. !!!!!

Oh and Expectations!!??? “HAAHAHA HAAHAHA HAAHAHAHAHA.”


To completely understand this post i.e. understand some of the phrases used, you must -

1. Watch Scrubs to see the type of introspection I am talking about.

2. Be quite well versed in Namma Kannada Slaangu. (At least be slightly aware of it is what I mean)

3. Read Asterix comics

4. Watch Dexter’s Lab to experience the Mandarkian laughter first hand.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

R V Doggies!!!???

Have you noticed off-late that college is evolving into a primary school,dog-house combo.People taking your names(Hello!!!) for coming in late!!! or not wearing a dog-collar(The people who fail to comprehend this lingo call it a "Lanyard").
The school,dog-house combo is and has always been another "caalej" which is looked with a mixture of reverence and scorn by different strata of students...NOT US!!!Please we are more mature than that.And all the departments are enforcing the use of doggie -collars one at a time...What next???the samosawala at the corner refusing to serve collarless students???Heaven forbid!!!We probably pant like dogs all the time...either from running to class to avoid being late (AND have our NAMES noted down!!) or from running around the field enjoying a heated game of football,why in the world aren't the "authoriteahs" satisfied with that?why are they so hell-bent on enhancing our similarity with our good canine pals with their fancy dog-tags???Was it a friendship day resolution or some such thing?
But hey,News FLASH!!! Nobody seems to care whether you have your ID card or not.The "authoriteahs" are so hell bent upon keeping friendship vows intact that they dont seem to bother upon the human aspect of identification,namely a simple card!Case in point, I just flashed my Bus-Pass and the security guard just let me through (but not before giving me a glowering look and brief lecture for not wearing a doggie-collar).The voice of reason in the "Authoriteah" apparently has a bout of laryngitis and hopefully will be cured before long.Till then,bark if you must,but dont go barking mad!